Alternative Measures to Reduce Carbon Dioxide Emissions in the Republic of Cuba
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Saint-Petersburg mining university, 2, 21-line V.O., Saint-Petersburg, 199106, Russia
Publication date: 2020-05-01
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Emiliia Iakovleva   

Saint-Petersburg mining university, 2, 21-line V.O., Saint-Petersburg, 199106, Russia
J. Ecol. Eng. 2020; 21(4):55-60
In this paper, one of the ways to reduce CO2 emissions into the atmosphere through the use of various types of solar power plants (SES) is considered. The paper provides an overview of the energy resources that currently exist in the Republic of Cuba, as well as new investments made by the country in order to introduce a more extensive use of renewable energy sources. The paper also describes the benefits of renewable energy that help to reduce CO2 emissions into the environment.
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