Analysis of Sorption Properties of Anthrosols in the Park Ludowy in Lublin
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Institute of Soil Science, Environment Engineering and Management, University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Leszczyńskiego 7, 20-069 Lublin, Poland
Publication date: 2021-12-02
Corresponding author
Monika Jaroszuk-Sierocińska   

Institute of Soil Science, Environment Engineering and Management, University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Leszczyńskiego 7, 20-069 Lublin, Poland
J. Ecol. Eng. 2021; 22(11):86-91
The sorption properties of anthropogenic soils, or anthrosols, were examined in the Park Ludowy in Lublin. The test samples were taken from five pedons, from layers 0–25, 25–50 and 50–75 cm. The samples were analyzed in terms of hydrolytic acidity, total exchangeable bases, as well as calculations of cation exchange capacity and basic cations saturation were conducted. The analysis of the chemical properties of the park soils showed the changes resulting from the introduction of anthropogenic material to soil in this case, float earth. It was found that these changes varied within the park. Anthropogenic additions introduced into the soil had a beneficial effect on the hydrolytic acidity, the sum of alkaline cations in the soil, the degree of saturation of the sorption complex with alkaline cations mainly in the root zone of plants.
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