Application of QUAL2K Model for Simulating Water Quality in Hilla River, Iraq
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Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Babylon, Babylon, Iraq
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Hussein A.M. Al-Zubaidi   

Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Babylon, Babylon, Iraq
J. Ecol. Eng. 2023; 24(6):272-280
The quality of the water in Iraq's Hilla River has been severely degraded as a result of human activities and industrial development. The QUAL2K model, a widely used one-dimensional quality of water models, was used to simulate the river's quality of water utilizing river and point-source flows rate as well as quality of water metrics observed along the river. Despite a severe lack of data in the research region, the QUAL2K models was determined to be an adequate instrument for the evaluation of quality of water. Simulated results of (DO), (BOD5), and temperature for the period (October 2022) showed the correctness of the model. Yet, it was discovered that for this example study, the model was most susceptible to river and point-source flow as well as moderate to rapid BOD oxidation and DO oxidation.
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