Comparison of Chemical Properties of Peats under Different Land Uses in South Sumatra, Indonesia
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Faculty of Agriculture, Sriwijaya University, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Publication date: 2019-05-01
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M. Edi Armanto
Faculty of Agriculture, Sriwijaya University, Jln. Palembang-Prabumulih Km 32, Indralaya Campus (30662), South Sumatra, Indonesia
J. Ecol. Eng. 2019; 20(5):184-192
The research aimed at comparing the chemical properties of peats under Different land uses in peats dome of the catchment area of the Sibumbung River and the Komering River in Pedamaran Sub-Districts, OKI South Sumatra, Indonesia. The research was conducted in January to March 2019 and used a Randomized Complete Block Design with two blocks and five natural treatments namely swamp grass, bush swamp, peat forest, oil palm, and intercropping between oil palm and pineapple. Most of the chemical properties of peats at the depth of 30-50 cm showed no changes due to the effects of land uses and drainage; however, there were significant difference with the peat depth of 5-15 cm. Decreasing organic C, exchangeable Al, Al saturation and soluble Fe on the cultivated peats were significantly different compared with the uncultivated peats. An increase in the available P, K, pH, CEC and base saturation on the cultivated peats were found and differed significantly on test level 5% compared with the uncultivated peats due to the application of ameliorant materials. The total N and C/N values were not significantly different. Most of the chemical properties of peats were decreased by the depth of peats. Soil ameliorant materials would change the buffering system of the peats to neutralize soil acidity and the pH increase.