Design and Construction of a Mini Laminar Airflow Cabinet to Support Laboratory Activities in Aseptic Condition
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Laboratory of Fisheries, Marine Science Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bengkulu, Jl. WR. Supratman Kandang Limun, Bengkulu, 38371, Indonesia
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Yenni Putri Sari
Laboratory of Fisheries, Marine Science Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bengkulu, Jl. WR. Supratman Kandang Limun, Bengkulu, 38371, Indonesia
J. Ecol. Eng. 2022; 23(11):281-285
Laboratories have made considerable use of laminar airflow cabinets to create a microorganism-free environment with excellent and consistent results. Providing a laminar airflow cabinet at a high price is one of the factors involved. Consequently, a similar-functioning alternative to the standard laminar airflow tool is required. The objective of this research was to create a miniature laminar airflow cabinet (MLAF). Interview and observational data were collected via questionnaires for the experiments. Examination of the data utilized by the Likert scale Mini laminar airflow (MLAF) was able to create a sterile workplace with the high efficacy of laminar airflow, HEPA filtration, and a high air-change rate, as demonstrated by the results. 82.50% of respondents indicated that the effectiveness of MLAF supported any laboratory work requiring a sterile environment, as indicated by the mean questionnaire answer