Development of Resource Effective and Cleaner Technologies using the Waste of Plant Raw Materials
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Department of Food industry technologies and restaurant industry, Poltava University of Economics and Trade, Koval St., 3, Poltava, 36014, Ukraine
Department of Ecology and environmental technologies, Odessa National Academy of Food Tech-nologies, Оdessa, Kanatnaya Str., 65039, Ukraine
Publication date: 2020-05-01
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Yuliia Levchenko   

Department of Food industry technologies and restaurant industry, Poltava University of Economics and Trade, Koval St., 3, Poltava, 36014, Ukraine
J. Ecol. Eng. 2020; 21(4):178-184
The expediency of implementing one or the other technology was determined by selecting the best ones from the point of view of environmental, economic and social aspects. Waste re-use is the second most acceptable technology after waste prevention or minimization during production. This scientific work is dedicated to the waste re-use in food production. The article presents the results of research and development of technologies of the use of organic waste - pomace of the juice production of Chaenomeles fruits in food production. It has been determined that vegetable waste occupies a significant place among the total amount of food waste. Ways of using the waste of the production of Chaenomeles juice have been developed and analyяed, which involve obtaining extract, gelling juice, powder, and ways of their use in the technology of flour-based products have been proposed. It is determined that the most effective is the use of powder from the pomace of Chaenomeles, which allows not only the maximum use of raw materials, but also to improve the technology of production of flour-based products, reducing the fermentation process, extend the shelf life of finished products and increase their biological value.
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