Development of the Scheme of the Installation for Mechanical Wastewater Treatment
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Department of Industrial Engineering, Vinnytsia National Technical University, 95 Khmelnytskeshose str., 21021, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Department of Life Safety and Security Education Vinnytsia National Technical University, 95 Khmelnytskeshose str., 21021, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Department of Biophysics, Medical Equipment and Informatics, National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, 56 Pirogova Str., 21018, Vinnytsia, Ukraine
East Kazakhstan State Technical University named after D.Serikbayev, Naberezhnaya Krasnykh Orlov, 69, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan
Department of Electronics and Informational Technology, Lublin University of Technology, Nadbystrzycka 38a, 20-618 Lublin, Poland
Institute of Information and Computational Technologies CS MES RK, Almaty, Kazakhstan; University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications, Almaty, Kazakhstan,
Publication date: 2021-01-01
Corresponding author
Saule Smailova
East Kazakhstan State Technical University named after D.Serikbayev, Naberezhnaya Krasnykh Orlov, 69, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan
J. Ecol. Eng. 2021; 22(1):20-28
The paper presents schemes of various equipment for the mechanical treatment of industrial and domestic wastewater, which allows us to remove from it the main part of the pollution. There was conducted an examination of the shortcomings of the known equipment with aim of its improvement. As a result, an installation scheme for continuous high-performance mechanical wastewater treatment has been proposed. In contrast to the known equipment, the proposed installation provides a three-staged treatment of wastewater with help of the two pares gratings – for preliminary treatment (removal of large-size pollutions) and by way of filtration through the two metallic sieves – for normal and fine treatment (removal of small-size mechanical pollutions). The installation consists of high-efficient appliances for cleaning of filtering elements in course of realization of the working process, which provide stable high productivity of treatment. The installation has a simple reliable design and low energy expenses. The paper consists formulas for determining of main operational parameters of the installation: the change of the cross-sectional area of the filtering elements and productivity of the working process, periodicity of cleaning of gratings and sieves, the necessary electric power of installations drives. These formulas can be base for further research of installation and for the elaboration of a method of its design calculation