Efficiency of Sorbents Application for the Decrease of the Residual Content of Oil Products in the Industrial Waste
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Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Industrial University of Tyumen», general@tyuiu.ru
Publication date: 2021-01-01
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Svetlana Tarasova
Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Industrial University of Tyumen», general@tyuiu.ru
J. Ecol. Eng. 2021; 22(1):36-40
Well drilling involves the formation of the bore mud in a form of drilled solids with waste drilling mud, containing oil products in its structure. Nowadays, the widely used methods such as thermal, physical and biological ones cannot be considered as complex approach to the solution of the problem of the oil refinery wastes han-dling. Introduction of the peat and natural mineral sorbents into the bore mud allows decreasing the residual content of the oil products, and, thus, decreasing the level of negative influence on the environment. On the basis of the conducted studies, it was revealed that different norms of sorbents and peat introduction into the bore mud decreased the concentration of oil products equally well; therefore, the recommended dosage of sorbents and peat at the low initial values of oil products can be 3-5%. When introducing glauconite in a form of flour and grain there it noted that the size of grain particles of the sorbent influenced insignificantly the decrease of oil products concentration in the bore mud. The use of natural mineral sorbents and peat favorably influences the development of plants. At the same time, the for-mation of viable phytocenosis with high value of phytomass of vegetative over-ground sprouts takes place.