Experimental Analysis of Atmospheric Water Harvester Using Ammonia Vapour Absorption System
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Mechanical Engineering Department, Al Zaytoonah University of Jordan, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, P.O. Box 130 Amman, Jordan
Alternative Energy Technology Department, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan, P.O. Box, 130 Amman Jordan
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tafila Technical University, P. O. Box 179, 66110, Tafila, Jordan
Corresponding author
Nabil Ibrahim Beithou   

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tafila Technical University, P.O. Box 179, 66110, Tafila, Jordan
J. Ecol. Eng. 2023; 24(2):221-229
There are increasing concerns for the promising future of atmospheric water harvesters (AWH). AWH have been analysed theoretically and experimentally using different technologies such as Vapour Compression (VC) Thermoelectric (TE), Sorption (absorption, adsorption) and shape-based techniques. These techniques are suffering from low water harvesting or high energy consumption. The ammonia vapour absorption system (VAS) (which can be operated using renewable energy sources) has not yet been analysed experimentally. In this study, the AWH based on ammonia VAS has been studied experimentally, the effect of air flow velocity and ambient conditions have been analysed. The comparison between the existing techniques and VAS was performed to explore the possibility of implementing biomass, geothermal and solar energy in generating water from atmosphere, thus reducing the cost of the m3 of water produced.
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