Future Performance Study of Al-Muamirah Wastewater Treatment Plant Applying Statistical Analysis
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Al-Mussaib Technical Institute, Al- Furat Al-Awsat Technical University, 51009, Babylon, Iraq
College of Engineering, Environmental Department, University of Mustansiriyah, Baghdad, Iraq
Publication date: 2021-11-01
Corresponding author
Mohsin J. Nasir   

Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University, Iraq
J. Ecol. Eng. 2021; 22(10):264-268
Abstract Wastewater management is considered to be a great challenge particularly in towns and cities with rapidly grown population. The study aimed to assess Al-Muamirah WW treatment plant (WWTP), located in Babylon governorate of Iraq, in terms of its hydraulic loading as a quality performance indicator. The findings showed that there will be a significant deficit in the capacity of the plant of (20, 32 and 37) % in the year of 2024, and will cumulatively arise in 2030 to become(26, 41.5 and 47.7) % for suggested growth rates of 1.27 %, 2.5 % and 3.95 % , respectively. The outcomes of expected amounts of daily discarded wastewater in terms of estimated population were analyzed using ANOVA test and it was found that population growth ratio has significant impact on the generated inflow, as f (2,30) = 3.713, and p= 0.019 < 0.05.
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