Indoor Air Quality with Particular Reference to Carbon Monoxide in the Room – A Pilot Study
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Institute of Environmental Engineering, Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW)
Bialystok University of Technology
Publication date: 2022-06-01
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Katarzyna Gładyszewska-Fiedoruk   

Institute of Environmental Engineering, Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW)
J. Ecol. Eng. 2022; 23(6):286-293
One of the most common toxic gases contaminating the atmosphere is carbon monoxide. It is odorless, tasteless and colorless and very poisonous in high concentrations. Cigarette smoking are the most important reasons for increased carbon monoxide (CO) level in exhaled air. During the experiment the CO level in indoor air in room was measured. Outdoor air quality data including atmospheric CO concentration, obtained from the own measured and data from the weather platform “freemeteo”. The largest number of people participating in the experiment were men aged 21-25 with the correct BMI index. The measurements were carried out with the following variants: outside air, a room ventilated without people, nonsmokers, smokers and non-smoking people, smokers entering the room after smoking cigarettes, smokers who smoke in the room. As proven by measurements, carbon monoxide carried in the lungs by smokers has low concentrations and should not threaten the health of non-smoking users of rooms. During the experiment, the maximum concentration of carbon monoxide in the room was 1.4 ppm. In the external air, the average concentration of carbon monoxide was exactly as much as reported in the literature - 0.3 ppm.
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