Lead Exposure in Trader Communities in Industrial Area of the Battery Recycling Plant: Tangerang, Indonesia
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Bandung Institut of Technology, Departement of Environmental Engineering, Bandung, Indonesia
Publication date: 2020-05-01
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Septian Hadi Susetyo   

Bandung Institut of Technology, Departement of Environmental Engineering, Bandung, Indonesia
J. Ecol. Eng. 2020; 21(4):264-270
The aim of this study was to look at the risk of community around the battery recycling plant in terms of exposure to lead dust. The number of respondents was 60 sample consisting of industrial area and residential area. The sample of industrial area was 30 sample with a composition of 15 men and 15 women. The same number of respondents was also examined in the residential area as control area, located 5 km from the industrial area. Respirable dust measured using personal dust sampler, the concentration of lead in dust is measured using GF-AAS, while as a biomarker of exposure, used lead content in urine using GF-AAS. The average vakues for respirable lead in industrial and residential areas are 0.92 μg/m3 and 0.92 1.34 μg/m3. Analysis of lead content in urine for industrial and residential areas produce an average value of 119 ppb and 123 ppb. The average value of HI for lead exposure on industrial and residential areas are in danger (HI> 1) which is 3.6 ± 1.94 and 2.18 ± 1.49. OR values for respondents in industrial area compares to residential areas is 1.17 for the category of HI lead exposure and 1.22 for the category of lead in urine.
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