Studying the Efficiency of Treatment Model Mixtures of Petroleum Products with the Modified Sorbent Made of Ash-and-Slag During Dynamic Sorption
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Kuban State Technological University, Moskovskaya Street, 2, Krasnodar, 350072, Russian Federation
Publication date: 2019-12-01
J. Ecol. Eng. 2019; 20(11):202-209
Experimental studies of the dynamic sorption of model mixtures containing petroleum products have been performed. The subject of the study was the modified sorbent from the ash-and-slag wastes accumulated in the ash dump of the Novocherkassk State District Power Plant (SDPP) (Russia, Novocherkassk, Rostov Region) using the method of ash removal. The quantity of the sorbent for each model solution was fixed at 5.0 g. Model solutions in the amount of 1 dm3 were passed through a column filled with the modified sorbent at constant filtration rate w = const with filtrate takeout of 0.1 dm3/min. The pH value of the solution which is advisable for extracting petroleum products has been experimentally determined. For this purpose, model solutions were prepared, containing 100 mg/dm3 of petroleum products with pH = 1.65, 4.01, 6.86, 8.12, 9.18, and 11.34. The optimum pH value of the solution was considered pH = 7.5. The content of petroleum products in the filtrate in all experiments was determined using IR spectrometry. The working range of water pollution with petroleum products was determined on a series of model solutions containing petroleum products in the range between 0.5 and 10 mg/dm3 with the increment of 0.5, between 10 and 100 mg/dm3 with the increment of 10, and between 100 and 1,000 mg/dm3 with the increment of 100. The maximum extraction of petroleum products from the solution was 88.23 %. The applicability of the Henry's law to the range of petroleum products concentrations in the filtrate of 50 mg/dm3 has been confirmed. The adsorption equilibrium constant (Henry's law constant) has been experimentally determined. The effect of the natural freshwater matrix on the degree of petroleum products extraction was studied; no significant effect on petroleum products sorption has been found. A conclusion has been made that the sorbent can ensure the efficiency of water purifying from petroleum products of no less than 85 % in the range of pollution between 5 and 300 mg/dm3.