The Assessment of Land Pollution by Oil Products in the Vicinity of the Operating Oil Pipeline in the Territory of the Sverdlovsk Region
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Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education, Northern Trans-Ural Agricultural University, Republiki Street 7, 652003 Tyumen, Russia
Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education, Industrial University of Tyumen, Volodarskogo 38, 652000 Tyumen, Russia
Publication date: 2021-11-01
Corresponding author
Tamara Simakova   

Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education, Northern Trans-Ural Agricultural University, Republiki Street 7, 652003 Tyumen, Russia
J. Ecol. Eng. 2021; 22(10):14-18
The developing oil and gas industry in the modern world, including the territory of the Russian Federation, does not remain without a trace for the environment. Land is the national wealth of each state, so it is very important to preserve its natural potential and prevent environmental disasters. Accidents at the territories of operating oil pipelines, which cause great harm to all kinds of natural resources – and first of all to land resources– remain unavoidable. The presented research reveals the methodology of the detailed assessment of the level and degree of soil contamination by oil products. The assessment scale was developed and five zones with different degrees of soil contamination by oil products were established. Using the calculation and a graphic method, a map of zones with the degree of contamination was developed and their exact areas were established. The presented development will be used when carrying out land reclamation of the territory under study. Keywords: pollution assessment, petroleum product content, soil sample, degree of contamination, boundaries of the contaminated area, reclamation.
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