Advancing soil sampling techniques for environmental assessment of artillery impact zones
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Fire Support department, University of Defence, Kounicova 65, Brno, Czech Republic
Department of Process Engineering, Brno University of Technology, Antonínská 548/1, Brno, Czech Republic
Department of Military Tactics and Operational Art, Armed Forces Academy of general Milan Rastislav Štefánik, Demänová 393, Liptovský Mikuláš, Slovakia
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Jan Ivan   

Fire Support department, University of Defence, Kounicova 65, Brno, Czech Republic
J. Ecol. Eng. 2025; 26(5)
Article delves into the environmental impact of artillery fire, proposing an innovative sampling method for assessing its effects. With a focus on minimizing ecological harm from military operations, particularly in light of the ongoing war in Ukraine, it explains a new approach to defining environmental damage based on the detection of the harmfulness of a specific type of ammunition. The proposed approach offers a more accurate determination of environmental impacts than traditional sampling methods that don't identify the specific agent. The article outlines the first step in addressing artillery environmental impacts by introducing a new crater soil sampling methodology, refined through experimental artillery fires. This method ensures enough samples are collected for valid chemical analysis and identification of soil pollution caused by specific types of ammunition. In addition to the sampling methodology, the article explains the nature of the execution of experimental artillery fire and the necessary considerations in relation to the shape of the crater and defining of its center, which is a necessary step to the layout of the sampling scheme. Applying the method will precisely define each projectile type's environmental impacts, enabling accurate determination of post-war restoration requirements for artillery-affected areas.
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