Use of MLCM3 Software for Flash Flood Modeling and Forecasting
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National Mineral Resources University (Mining University), Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Russian State Hydrometeorological University, Malookhtinsky 98, St Petersburg 195196, Russia
Russian State Geological Prospecting University, Miklouho-Maklay's st. 23, Moscow 17997, Russia
VNU University of Science, Vietnam National University (VNU), 334 Nguyen Trai, Thanh Xuan, Hanoi, Vietnam
Publication date: 2018-01-01
Corresponding author
Inna Pivovarova
National Mineral Resources University (Mining University), Vasilyevsky Island, 21 line, d.2, 199106 Saint-Petersburg, Russia
J. Ecol. Eng. 2018; 19(1):177-185
Accurate and timely flash floods forecasting, especially, in ungauged and poorly gauged basins, is one of the most important and challenging problems to be solved by the international hydrological community. In changing climate and variable anthropogenic impact on river basins, as well as due to low density of surface hydrometeorological network, flash flood forecasting based on “traditional” physically based, or conceptual, or statistical hydrological models often becomes inefficient. Unfortunately, most of river basins in Russia are poorly gauged or ungauged; besides, lack of hydrogeological data is quite typical. However, the developing economy and population safety necessitate issuing warnings based on reliable forecasts. For this purpose, a new hydrological model, MLCM3 (Multi-Layer Conceptual Model, 3rd generation) has been developed in the Russian State Hydrometeorological University. The model showed good results in more than 50 tested basins.