Comprehensive Assessment of the Impact of the Almaty Wastewater Storage System on the State of Groundwater
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Satbayev University, Satpaev str. 22, Almaty 050000, Kazachstan
Institute of Hydrogeology and Geoecology named after Ahmedsafina, Satbayev University, Valikhanov str. 69//94, Almaty 050010, Kazakhstan
Publication date: 2022-04-01
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Kairat Ospanov   

Satbayev University, Satpaev str. 22, Almaty 050000, Kazachstan
J. Ecol. Eng. 2022; 23(4):75-84
This article presents the results of studies on the comprehensive assessment of the peculiarities of nutrition, accumulation, transit and discharge of groundwater in the adjacent territory of the Sorbulak reservoir. Information about the waste water storage is presented. The results of the analysis and decryption of satellite images, as well as the results of aerial photography of the territory of the Sorbulak are presented. The results of field route studies of the work area are presented to identify the external manifestations of directional filtration, areas of exits to the daytime surface of groundwater. The results of the calculation of the filtration flow controlled by the Sorbulak storage lake, unloading through the western side of the plateau into the Kurty River, are presented.
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