Features of Refuse Derived Fuel in Poland – Physicochemical Properties and Availability of Refuse Derived Fuel
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Institute of Energy and Fuel Processing Technology, ul. Zamkowa 1, 41-803 Zabrze, Poland
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Martyna Nowak   

Institute of Energy and Fuel Processing Technology, ul. Zamkowa 1, 41-803 Zabrze, Poland
J. Ecol. Eng. 2023; 24(3):1-9
Refuse Derived Fuels are used as energy carrier mainly in cement plants; however, more and more often they are applied in power plants as a substitute for fossil fuels. In order to prepare a proper waste-to-energy investment, the availability of the fuel, as well as fuel properties should be determined. The article presented the amounts of generated RDF in Poland, number installation which produced RDF in 2019 and 2020 and amounts of incinerated RDF in cement and incineration plants. The amount of generated RDF is rather constant – about 2.5 million Mg/year. RDF is mainly incinerated in cement plants – about 1.5 million Mg/year. The article also presented general physicochemical analysis of several RDF samples and coal. Some of the RDF samples reached high energy parameters – low heating value up to 25 MJ/kg; however, the properties vary a lot, due to their heterogeneous character, technological process of their production and other factors. In practice, the requested parameters and amount of RDF are established and the RDF producer prepares and delivers the fuel according to the concluded contract.
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