Intensification of the Wastewater Treatment Process of a Bitumen Plant with the Production of Recycled Water
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YESSENOV University, Aktau 130000, Kazakhstan
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Lyailim Taizhanova   

YESSENOV University, Aktau 130000, Kazakhstan
J. Ecol. Eng. 2023; 24(2):295-301
The increasing demand for water with the industrialisation of the world is becoming a major problem as there is a water shortage all over the earth. Therefore, the water problem is one of the important problems that needs to be effectively solved. This paper presents the results of research on wastewater treatment of bitumen production in Mangystau region, which after physical and chemical treatment methods are sent to natural evaporation fields. As a result of research work method of wastewater treatment of bitumen plant was developed, which includes two stages: distillation of water on the solar plant and ozonation in order to oxidize volatile organic matter. Distillation to obtain primary treated water of 70-75% volume was carried out at 33-37 ℃ ambient temperature and 15-30kPa rarefaction, at the same time COD of water was reduced by 68%.
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