Reagent Removal of Heavy Metals from Waters of Coal Mines and Spoil Tips of the Lviv-Volyn Industrial Mine Region
Department of Ecology, Lviv National Agrarian University 1, V.Velykogo St., 30831 Dubliany, Lviv region, Ukraine
Lviv National Agrarian University 1, V.Velykogo St., 30831 Dubliany, Lviv region, Ukraine
Department of Building and Architecture, Lviv National Agrarian University 1, V.Velykogo St., 30831 Dubliany, Lviv region, Ukraine
Department of Ecological Safety, Lviv State University of Life Safety 35, Kleparivska St., 79007, Lviv, Ukraine
Data publikacji: 01-09-2019
Autor do korespondencji
Oksana Tymofiyivna Mazurak   

Department of Ecology, Lviv National Agrarian University 1, V.Velykogo St., 30831 Dubliany, Lviv region, Ukraine
J. Ecol. Eng. 2019; 20(8):50-59
The article substantiates the efficiency of the use of chemical (reagent) technologies for the purification of industrial water from mines and spoil tips from heavy metals-toxicants and reducing their ecological hazard. The ecological risk indices of toxicants and their proportion in the overall level of ecological danger of the investigated object are presented. The results of experimental studies, interaction of comparative qualitative indicators of removal of heavy metal ions by inorganic reagents – calcium carbonate and sodium hydroxide are presented. It is shown that the solution of the ecological problem concerning the reduction of the toxicity level of subterminal waters of mines is their treatment with fine calcium carbonate CaCO3, that converts heavy metal ions into difficultly soluble basic carbonates or heavy metal hydroxides. Positive results concerning the efficiency of the subterminal water treatment of the «Velikomostovskaya» mine of the Chervonograd mining area by calcium carbonate have been identified. That indicates a significant reduction of the ecological hazard indicator of treated wastewater. The content of ions of most heavy metals, which precipitates in the form of basic carbonates at values close to pH = 8,5, is significantly reduced.
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