Study of Sowing Quality of Soybean Seeds Depending on Pre-Sowing Treatment of Seed
Institute of Feed Research and Agriculture of Podillya of NAAS, Av. Yunosti. 16, 21021 Vinnytsia, Ukraine
Lviv National Environmental University, Str. Vladimir the Great, 1 m. Dubliany Lviv region, Lviv, 80381 Ukraine
Autor do korespondencji
Oleksandr Pantsyrev   

Institute of Feed Research and Agriculture of Podillya of NAAS, Av. Yunosti. 16, 21021 Vinnytsia, Ukraine
J. Ecol. Eng. 2024; 25(7):332-339
Complex sowing qualities of soybean seeds during pre-sowing treatment of seeds with biopreparations, spraying of crops with microfertilizers is a scientifically valuable and urgent problem of today, which made it possible to choose the optimal methods of realizing the genetic potential of productivity of modern soybean varieties. The aim of the research was to determine the sowing qualities of soybean seeds (varieties Slavna, Churaivna, Azymut, Tytan, Triada, Pallada, Samorodok), namely seed moisture, germination energy, field germination and linear parameters of the hypocotyl depending on the variety composition, pre-sowing seed treatment with a bacterial preparation and use of microfertilizers. Field and laboratory studies were conducted according to the following indicators: seed moisture, germination energy, field germination and linear hypocotyl parameters according to generally accepted methods. Research on the basis of the scientific research field of the Institute of Fodder and Agriculture of the Podillia National Academy of Sciences by the method of split plots in four repetitions according to the methodology of research in agronomy, p. Bohonyky, Vinnytsia region, Ukraine. It was established that the moisture content of the seeds of soybean varieties during 2020-2023 storage in uncontrolled climate conditions was within the normal range and did not exceed 13.4%. It was noted that the use of pre-sowing treatment of seeds with a bacterial preparation based on strains of nodule bacteria in combination with foliar fertilization in the phases of budding and bean formation with organo-mineral fertilizer had a smaller effect on laboratory germination, and to a greater extent on the germination energy of soybean seeds. The maximum indicator was obtained on the Slavna soybean variety - 93.4% for the use of nitrogen-fixing bacteria (Rizolain+Rhizosave) and organo-mineral fertilizer HELPROST in the pre-sowing treatment of seeds in combination with foliar fertilization in the phases of budding and bean formation with organo-mineral HELPROST fertilizer. The laboratory similarity had a significant tendency to increase up to 96.3-98.1% in variants with the varieties Svavna and Tytan for the use of nitrogen-fixing bacteria (Rizolain+Rhizosave) and organo-mineral fertilizer HELPROST in combination with foliar feeding in the budding phases in the pre-sowing seed treatment and formation of beans with organo-mineral fertilizer HELPROST.
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