Study of the Impact of Changes in the Acid-Base Buffering Capacity of Surface Sod-Podzolic Soils
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Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Shevchenko Str., 57, Ivano–Frankivsk, 76018, Ukraine
Sumy National Agrarian University, H. Kondratieva St., 160, Sumy, 40021, Ukraine
National Scientific Agricultural Library of NAAS, Heroiv Оborony Str., 10, Kyiv, 03127, Ukraine
Kharkiv State Biotechnological University, Alchevskikh Str., 44, Kharkiv, 61000, Ukraine
Corresponding author
Andrii Butenko   

Sumy National Agrarian University, H. Kondratieva St., 160, Sumy, 40021, Ukraine
J. Ecol. Eng. 2024; 25(6):73-79
The results of scientific research aimed at studying the impact of land use on the acid–base buffering capacity of gleyed sod–podzolic soils in the Carpathian region were analyzed. The transformation of these indicators was investigated using a comprehensive approach that encompasses the influence of various factors, such as agrotechnological methods and atmospheric precipitation, on the acidity and alkalinity parameters of soil solution. The research results confirm a significant influence of these factors on the acid–base characteristics, emphasizing the need for the development of a scientifically grounded approach to managing fertility and stability of the soil environment in agricultural ecosystems of the Carpathians. The study opens perspectives for optimizing agrotechnologies and developing effective measures for the rational use of soil resources in this region.
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