The Effect of Z-ion Zeolite Substrate on Growth of Zea mays L. as Energy Crop Growing on Marginal Soil
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Lublin University of Technology, Environmental Engineering Faculty, ul. Nadbystrzycka 40B, 20-618 Lublin, Poland
Publication date: 2019-10-01
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Mariola Chomczyńska
Lublin University of Technology, Environmental Engineering Faculty, ul. Nadbystrzycka 40B, 20-618 Lublin, Poland
J. Ecol. Eng. 2019; 20(9):253-260
The presented study aimed at determining the influence of the increasing dose of new Z-ion zeolite substrate on the growth of maize (Zea mays L.) as species belonging to energy crops. In order to achieve the study aim, the pot experiment was carried out where the plants were grown on six series of media i.e.: on marginal soil (the control series I), on arable soil (the control series II) and on four mixtures of marginal soil with increasing Z-ion substrate addition (1%, 2%, 5%, 10 % v/v). The pot test was carried out in a phytotron with a 13/11 light/dark regime. After the end of the experiment, the mean values of the vegetative parameters (wet and dry biomass of roots and stems) characterizing the plant growth in particular media series were determined. The C:N ratio for maize stems was calculated as well. The obtained study results showed a favorable influence of Z-ion substrate additions on the vegetative growth of maize. Already a 1% (v/v) substrate addition to marginal soil increased the wet and dry stems biomass by 173-204%. At the same time, it turned out that in the sixth week of plant growth, a 5% substrate addition to the marginal soil enables to achieve the value of vegetation parameters at a level similar to that of the parameters characterizing the plant development on arable land. Thus, at an early stage of plant growth, a 5% substrate dose can be considered as one allowing a similar course of maize growing on marginal soil as in the case of arable soil. It is worth noting that at this substrate dose, the C:N ratio in maize stems reached the value of 13.05, at which the plant biomass is the substrate ensuring the fairly proper course of methane fermentation supplying fuel in the form of biogas.