Variation of Precipitation Gradient in Mountain Areas Based on the Example of the Western Beskids in the Polish Carpathians
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University of Bielsko-Biala, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland
Graduate of the University of Bielsko-Biala
Publication date: 2019-10-01
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Andrzej Jaguś
University of Bielsko-Biala, Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland
J. Ecol. Eng. 2019; 20(9):261-266
The study aims at investigating the so-called precipitation gradient, i.e. changes in the amount of precipitation depending on the elevation above sea level in mountainous areas of southern Poland. The gradient value is specified in mm of precipitation per 100 m elevation difference. Experimental studies were conducted in two small Beskids valleys, the Barbara stream valley and the Wilkówka stream valley. Five rain gauges were installed across land elevation profiles of said valleys. Decade precipitation amounts during the summer and autumn of 2015 were recorded. Precipitation data of the national environmental monitoring from the nearby mountain and foothill weather stations from 2014-2018 were also used for the analyses. Data analyses demonstrated a large spatial variation in the amount of precipitation. The occurrence of a varied gradient, and even inverse situations i.e. more precipitation at locations with lower elevation, were recorded. The precipitation gradient was differentiated, particularly by the terrain exposition relative to the dominant inflow direction of moist air masses, as well as the spatial arrangement of mountain ranges.