The Influence of the Selected Turbulence Model and Grid Density Degree on the Results of Velocity Distribution Obtained with the Use of the Simulation Program SSIIM
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University of Life Sciences in Poznan, Department of Water and Sanitary Engineering, ul. Piątkowska 92A, 60-649 Poznań, Poland
Publication date: 2018-05-01
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Mateusz Hammerling   

University of Life Sciences in Poznan, Department of Water and Sanitary Engineering, ul. Piątkowska 92A, 60-649 Poznań, Poland
J. Ecol. Eng. 2018; 19(3):106-114
This paper analyzed the water flow parameters in the local scour created after building stones sills No 3 km 480 + 902 and 4 km 479 + 225 below the Jeziorsko reservoir on the river Warta. The analysis was carried out using the result of field measurements (velocity distributions) and SSIIM (freeware) software. The study of the geometry of the local scour, were used to create a numerical model and implementing it to the SSIIM software. In the research, the impact of grid density on the obtained results was estimated. The results included the qualitative and quantitative assessment. The conducted analysis can be used to determine the movement of sediment in local scour, and can predict the development in time, and also specify the sill stability under different conditions of the water flow.
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