Drosera intermedia Hayne – introduction of rare plants near Radomsko, Central Poland
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Independent researcher, ul. Wergiliusza 2E/1, 60-461 Poznań, Poland
J. Ecol. Eng. 2025; 26(3):159-165
The study proved the adaptability of Drosera intermedia on the habitat identified by the bioindication method through the floristic and syntaxonomic suite. Other factors such as soil and co-occurring species should also be taken into account This is not a specific transitional peatland, but a syntaxonomically difficult to identify site. Species from the class Scheuchzerio-Caricetea nigrae as well as Oxycocco-Sphagnetea were recorded.In smaller numbers also taxa from other classes such as Alnetea glutinosae. In summary, it can be confirmed that Drosera intermedia has a wide ecological range , which is in agreement with the available literature. Soil surveys indicated, among other things, a medium pH value, high ash content and organic matter distribution. In turn, statistical tests found that the highest correlation was between pH values (in H20 and in KCL). In contrast, the negative ones were between C and ash content and between S and pH in H2O. Higher N and C scores were associated with higher pH values in H20, in KCl and Ca0.