Analysis of the impact of soil contamination by deltamethrin and heavy metals on wheat quality and yield
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Faculty of Agribusiness University of “Haxhi Zeka”, Rr. KLA. Peja, 30000, Kosovo
Faculty of Tourism Management, Hotel and Environment, University of “Haxhi Zeka”, Rr. KLA. Peja, 30000, Kosovo
Kosovo Agricultural Institute, Prishtina-Peja ,10 000, Kosovo
Corresponding author
Adem Dreshaj   

Faculty of Tourism Management, Hotel and Environment, University of “Haxhi Zeka”, Rr. KLA. Peja, 30000, Kosovo
J. Ecol. Eng. 2025; 26(4):334-342
The presence of pesticides in wheat is a problem closely related to the use of these substances to control pests (insects, diseases and weeds) during wheat production. The aim of the study is the presence (concentration) of pesticides including Deltamethrin which are used to ensure high yield and to protect crops from pests, can reduce the quality and quantity of wheat. Heavy metals often reach agricultural lands through the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers, while dust generated by vehicles and other activities can contribute to the deposition of these elements in the soil. Heavy metals are chemical elements with high density and are solid, including substances such as: lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg), chromium (Cr), nickel (Ni) and copper (Cu). The study was conducted in the Dukugjin area, which has an area of 1562 km² and aims to assess the concentrations of heavy metals and pesticides in agricultural soils. The results of the study for wheat show that in some cases, the concentration values exceed the norm parameters. For example, the samples for the cadmium position (X1) have an average value of 0.061 mg/kg-1, while for nickel the average value is 0.119 mg/kg-1. For the samples for the position (X2), cadmium has an average value of 0.231 mg/kg-1, while copper reaches an average value of 0.341 mg/kg-1. In the analysis of agricultural soil, the concentration of nickel is relatively high, with an average value of 4.966 mg/kg-1, while for samples (X2), the value reaches a much higher level of 8.553 mg/kg-1. Regarding deltamethrin, in samples from position (X2).
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