Environmental performance of nephrolepis as natural nitrate accumulator: A life cycle perspective in smallholder oil palm ecosystem
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Environmental Sciences, Riau Universitas, Pekanbaru City, Riau, Indonesia
Indonesian Palm Oil Smallholders’ Association, Jakarta, Indonesia
Teaching Staff of Environmental Sciences, Postgraduate Program, Riau Universitas, Pekanbaru City, Indonesia
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Eko Jaya Siallagan   

Environmental Sciences, Riau Universitas, Pekanbaru City, Riau, Indonesia
J. Ecol. Eng. 2025; 26(4):291-300
This study investigated the environmental performance of Nephrolepis as a natural nitrate accumulator in smallholder oil palm ecosystems through a life cycle assessment approach. The research was conducted in Surya Indah Village, Pelalawan-Riau Regency, from January to May 2024, comparing natural (T1) and enhanced (T2) treatments across three blocks. Results demonstrated that enhanced treatment significantly improved Nephrolepis biomass production (389.8 g/m² compared to 305.3 g/m² in natural conditions) and nitrogen accumulation capacity (2.58% in fronds under enhanced conditions versus 2.34% in natural conditions). Soil analysis revealed that Nephrolepis cultivation effectively reduced nitrate leaching, with enhanced treatment showing the lowest soil nitrate concentrations (8.2 mg/kg in topsoil) compared to cleared treatments (18.6 mg/kg). Life cycle impact assessment indicated that enhanced management practices resulted in lower environmental impacts across all categories, with reduced global warming potential (382.4 kg CO₂ eq/ha/year), eutrophication potential (2.68 kg PO₄ eq/ha/year), and water depletion (228.4 m³/ha/year). These findings suggest that integrating Nephrolepis into smallholder oil palm systems, particularly under enhanced management practices, offers a promising approach for improving nutrient management while reducing environmental impacts in oil palm ecosystems.
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