Evaluating the Effect of the Approaching Electrode On the Migration for Metal Ions through the Electro-Kinetic Technique for Contaminated Soil
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Department of Environmental Engineering, Collage of Engineering, University of Babylon, Iraq
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Zeina Thamer Jawad   

Department of Environmental Engineering, Collage of Engineering University of Babylon, Iraq
J. Ecol. Eng. 2023; 24(2):72-80
In this study, three experiments using the fixed anode technique and approached anode technique were carried out. The first experiment (EK-1) used distilled water as leaching solution (purging solution) at the anode and cathode chamber under voltage gradient was equal to 1.5 V/cm. In the second and third experiments, a solution enhanced with 1M acetic acid (AA) was used as catholic solution. The results indicate that residual concentration of Zn+2 decreases, beginning with an initial value of 850 mg/kg in all portions of soil sample EK-1, EK-2, in addition to EK-3. It seems that the residual concentration of EK-3 (approached anode technique) was lower than that of EK-1 and EK-2 in identical portions.
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