Sorption of tetracycline from contaminated water using magnesium-iron layered double hydroxide alginate beads prepared from Schanginia aegyptica and scrap iron
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Department of Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq
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Zainab Yahya Al-Rubaie   

Department of Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq
J. Ecol. Eng. 2025; 26(4):209-219
This research is to produce a nonconventional sorbent with the aid of Schanginia aegyptica and scrap iron solid wastes. Solutions extracted from Schanginia plant parts and scrap iron can be used effectively to prepare magnesium and iron ions respectively. Prepared sorbent named "magnesium / iron- layered double hydroxide- sodium alginate beads (Mg/Fe- LDH- Na alginate beads)" was studied to capture of tetracycline (TC) from the wastewater based on batch study. The best conditions optimized to prepare mentioned beads were Mg/Fe molar ratio= 3, initial pH 10, and Mg/Fe-LDH dosage= 5 g per 100 mL. Langmuir and Pseudo second-order model model adequately describes isotherm and kinetic sorption suggesting a maximal capacity of 2.564 mg/g and there are chemical bonds between TC and alginate beads. The beads' characterization tests revealed the formation of Mg/Fe-LDH nanoparticles that responsible of TC with presence of functional groups like hydroxyl (OH) groups.
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