The State and Needs of the Development of Water Supply and Sewerage Infrastructure in the Radzyń District
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Student Science Association of Water and Wastewater Management, University of Life Sciences in Lublin
Department of Environmental Engineering and Geodesy, University of Life Sciences in Lublin
Publication date: 2020-04-01
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Michał Marzec
Department of Environmental Engineering and Geodesy, University of Life Sciences in Lublin
J. Ecol. Eng. 2020; 21(3):171-179
The paper presents the current state of water supply and sewerage infrastructure and the need for its expanding in Radzyń district. The district is located in the northern part of Lublin Voivodeship in Poland. The following communes belong to Radzyń district: the municipal commune of Radzyń Podlaski and 7 rural communes: Borki, Czemierniki, Kąkolewnica, Komarówka Podlaska, Radzyń Podlaski, Ulan-Majorat, Wohyń. The data show that the water supply network in Radzyń district is well developed. The most significant percentage of the population using the water supply network has the rural commune of Radzyń Podlaski – 99.9%, while the smallest, commune Komarówka Podlaska – 54.5%. The survey showed that there was a very large disproportion between the development of the sewerage and water supply systems. The largest percentage of the population using the sewerage network has the municipal commune of Radzyń Podlaski – 99.7%. The smallest percentage of users of collective sewage disposal systems was recorded in the rural commune of Radzyń Podlaski (7.2%). The commune of Ulan-Majorat does not have a sewerage system. The survey conducted in 2016 shows that 8 collective wastewater treatment plants operated in Radzyń district at that time. The total capacity of the treatment plants is over 5,300 m3/d. In 2016, Radzyń district had about 1,000 household wastewater treatment plants. The presented data show that the condition of the sanitary infrastructure in rural communes of Radzyń district is unsatisfactory and requires the investment activities mainly aimed at expanding collective sewage disposal and treatment systems as well as developing a network of household wastewater treatment plants.