The Comparison of Biogas Desulphurisation Process Using Bog Iron Ore and SulfurE – A Case Study
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Department of Environmental Protection and Engineering, University of Bielsko-Biala ul. Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland
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Monika Wierzbińska   

Department of Environmental Protection and Engineering, University of Bielsko-Biala ul. Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biała, Poland
J. Ecol. Eng. 2024; 25(11):259-269
Biogas desulphurisation plants aim to remove hydrogen sulphide and other gaseous compounds that occur in the gas mixture. This mainly concerns the reduction of H2S which reacts with most metals such as iron or copper, which leads to the corrosion of pipelines and equipment. The aim of this research was to use two materials to adsorb hydrogen sulphide from biogas and to compare the efficiency of these two processes. Biogas was passed through both adsorbents. The concentration of hydrogen sulphide was measured upstream and downstream of the adsorbent bed. The results are summarised in diagrams. The first material used in the biogas desulphurisation plant at the wastewater treatment plant was bog iron ore. The bed was replaced several times during the year to maintain the efficiency of hydrogen sulphide removal from the biogas. After a year, a new adsorbent called “SulfurE” was used in place of the bog iron ore. The new bed operated with higher efficiency than the bog iron ore. The operating period between bed replacements was also extended. The bog iron ore bed in the desulphurisation plant was replaced on average 3 to 4 times a year, depending on the amount of hydrogen sulphide flowing into the desulphurisation plant (the more H2S, the higher the frequency of bed replacement). The bed in the desulphurisation plant filled with the “SulfurE” product operated for about 9 months with 90% hydrogen sulphide absorption efficiency (depending on the quality of biogas produced).
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