The Influence of Olive Oil Waste as a Biofuel on the Exhaust Gases of the Internal Combustion Engine
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College of Engineering, AL-Qasim Green University, Babylon 51031, Iraq
Collage of Water Resource Engineering, AL-Qasim Green University, Babylon 51031, Iraq
Corresponding author
Ahmed Samir Naje
Collage of Water Resource Engineering, AL-Qasim Green University, Babylon 51031, Iraq
J. Ecol. Eng. 2023; 24(5):322-328
Future options for addressing the depletion of fossil fuels and reducing pollution from internal combustion engines may include biofuel as an alternative fuel. This study aims to experimentally and statistically assess the effect of using diesel-biofuel blends on the emissions of a single-cylinder direct-injection engine. Using recycled olive oil, a chemical Tran’s esterification process was used to create biofuel. The experimental results were contrasted with those of a one-dimensional engine model for exhaust emissions and torque, which showed high agreement between test and numerical data. In order to comprehend the factors that affect the engine's reaction to variations in fuel composition, the thermodynamic characteristics of the engine for various blends were also supplied. According to the investigation, a mixture with 20% of the volume fraction of oleic acid methyl ester olive-based biofuel and 80% of the volume fraction of pure diesel can be an effective fuel alternative for cleaner exhaust emissions while offering almost the same performance.