Atmospheric Air Pollution with Tropospheric Ozone on the Example of Selected Rural Villages of the Lubelskie Region
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Department of Ecology, Climatology and Air Protection, Hugo Kołłątaj University of Agriculture in Krakow, ul. Al. Mickiewicza 24/28, 30-059 Krakow, Poland
Department of Agriculture, Pope John Paul II State School of Higher Education, ul. Sidorska 95/98, 21-500 Biała Podlaska, Poland
Publication date: 2019-11-01
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Alicja Baranowska   

Katedra Nauk Technicznych, Zakład Rolnictwa, Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa Papieża Jana Pawła II, ul. Sidorska 95/98, 21-500 Biała Podlaska, Polska
J. Ecol. Eng. 2019; 20(10):233-240
In excessive concentrations, the tropospheric ozone (the so-called trioxygen O3) constitutes a serious threat to the ecosystems of our planet. It is a threat to the health and life of people. In plants, it contributes to disruption of the most important biochemical processes. The purpose of this study was to assess atmospheric air pollution with tropospheric ozone in selected rural villages of the Lubelskie region in the years 2015–2017. Assessment of air quality in the Lubelskie region in terms of the content of tropospheric ozone, which is significant for the protection of plants and human health, was carried out in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Environment of 24 August 2012 on the levels of certain substances in the air, as well as more restrictive guidelines of the World Health Organization. The research used the hourly values of automatic measurements of the tropospheric ozone immission in the years 2015–2017. The data originated from three measurement stations, which function as part of the Air Quality Monitoring System, in three rural communes located in the north-western, central and southern part of the Lubelskie region. As a result of implemented research, no tropospheric ozone concentrations exceeding the threshold values, at which the public should be informed about the risk of exceeding the alarm level, were noted. The highest mean tropospheric ozone immission was recorded during the calendar summer and calendar spring, while the lowest was recorded during the calendar winter and autumn. In terms of human health protection, the largest exceedances of the maximum mean 8-hour value of tropospheric ozone were recorded during the calendar summer at Florianka station, which was located at the highest position (270 m above sea level) in relation to other measurement stations covered by this study. In terms of plant protection, the mean tropospheric ozone concentration, expressed with the use of AOT40, did not exceed the applicable target level (18 000 μg•m-3•h) at any of the measurement stations. The highest mean value of AOT40 was recorded at the Florianka meteorological station (14 653.9 μg•m-3•h), while the lowest was recorded at the Jarczew station (7 486.2 μg•m-3•h).
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