Effect of Dosing PIX 113 Coagulant to the Batch on Mesophilic Fermentation Process and Reducing Hydrogen Sulfide Content in Biogas
Wodociągi Białostockie sp. z o.o., ul. Młynowa 52/1, 15-404 Białystok, Poland
Bialystok University of Technology, ul. Wiejska 45A, Bialystok, 15-351, Poland
J. Ecol. Eng. 2022; 23(11):286-293
Hydrogen sulfide in gaseous fuel in certain concentrations corrodes combustion chambers, contaminates and acidifies engine oil and has a destructive effect on engine seal components, valve seats and timing. Fuel in the form of digestate gas, before powering cogeneration units, must meet the standards set by the manufacturer of the unit. Whether such values can be achieved depends primarily on the concentration of hydrogen sulfide and the desulfurization method used. The purpose of the study was to determine the effectiveness of sulfur fixation in the sludge by dosing PIX 113 coagulant directly into the feedstock before pumping into the chamber. The results obtained confirmed the effectiveness of the coagulant and provided the basis for conducting further studies using other products based on iron compounds. During the experiment, there were no negative effects of applying the coagulant to the batch just before pumping into the chamber. Positive aspects of sludge supplementation with the tested agent included an increase in biogas production due to a decrease in H2S concentration and an improvement in biogas quality parameters - CH4 and CO2.