Efficiency of Activated Carbon Derived from Cocoa Shells in Removing Pollutants from Wastewater
Technical University of Manabí, Urbina Avenue and Che Guevara, Abdón Calderón (San Francisco), canton of Portoviejo, province of Manabí - Postal Code 130117, Portoviejo, Manabí, Ecuador, Postal Address: 082
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Autor do korespondencji
Andrea Paola Álava Bravo   

Technical University of Manabí, Urbina Avenue and Che Guevara, Abdón Calderón (San Francisco), canton of Portoviejo, province of Manabí - Postal Code 130117, Portoviejo, Manabí, Ecuador, Postal Address: 082
J. Ecol. Eng. 2024; 25(7):151-162
This study focuses on the application of activated carbon obtained from cocoa shells for wastewater treatment. The methodology covered the preparation of activated car-bon through collection, drying, carbonization, and chemical activation, followed by the characterization of the wastewater, its treatment through filtration, adsorption, and the final evaluation of the quality of the treated water. Trihalomethanes (THM), metabi-sulfite, and residual free chlorine were determined in the treated water before and after using activated charcoal. The results indicate a 31.2% reduction in THM levels with considerable decreases in metabisulfite and residual free chlorine concentrations. These findings suggest that cocoa shell-activated carbon is effective in removing common contaminants and more specialized compounds. The study highlights the im-portance of using sustainable materials in wastewater treatment, promoting more effi-cient and environmentally responsible practices.
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