Evaluation of Hyper-Tolerance of Aquatic Plants to Metal Nanoparticles
ESC, Institute of Biology and Medicine, Department Biology Plants, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Volodymyrska Str. 64/13, Kyiv 01601, Ukraine
Department Technology of Storage, Processing and Standardizations of Planting Products by Professor B.V. Lesik, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Geroiv Oboroni Str. 15, 03041 Kyiv, Ukraine
Autor do korespondencji
Volodymyr Voitsekhivskyi   

ESC, Institute of Biology and Medicine, Department Biology Plants, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Volodymyrska Str. 64/13, Kyiv 01601, Ukraine
J. Ecol. Eng. 2022; 23(8):249-259
The estimation of the protein content and amino acid composition under the influence of metal nanoparticles (Mn, Cu, Zn, Ag) for seven species of aquatic macrophytes: Limnobium laevigatum (Humb. & Bonpl.ExWilld.), Pistia stratiotes L., Salvinia natans L., Elodea canadensis Michx., Najas guadelupensis (Spreng.) Magnus, Vallisneria spiralis L. and Riccia fluitans L. was conducted. The plants were exposed during 7 days on the experimental solutions of metal nanoparticles at the rate of 1 g of plant per 100 ml of the mixture of stock colloidal solutions of metal nanoparticles (Mn - 0.75 mg/l, Cu - 0.37 mg/l, Zn - 0.44 mg/l, Ag+, Ag2O - 0.75 mg/l) diluted 200 times. In the five investigated species, reduction of the protein content was observed. However, this indicator remained stable only in P. stratiotes (52 g/ml) and, conversely, increased in V. spiralis (46 g/ml to 51 g/ml). The content of the studied amino acids in N. guadelupensis decreased by 46% (from 112.05 mol/g to 60.15 mol/g), in R. fluitans – by 44% (from 104.06 mol/g to 58.25 mol/g), in S. natans - by 23% (from 90.08 mol/g to 69.59 mol/g), in E. canadensis - by 10% (from 143.92 mol/g to 129.4 mol/g), and in P. stratiotes as well as in L. laevigatum - by 8% (from 210.65 mol /g to 193.77 mol/g and with 155.0 mol/g to 142.60 mol/g), but in V. spiralis, on the contrary, increased by 7% (from 91.31 mol/g to 97.59 mol/g). Changes in the composition and content of amino acids for each species of aquatic plant were analyzed. It was suggested that the studied plants, which belong to different families, have different defense mechanisms, according to which the amino acid composition of plants varies.
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