Physico-Chemical Characterization of Leachate from the Moulay Abdallah Technical Landfill Center (Morocco)
Laboratory of Materials, Electrochemistry and Environment, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, Ibn Tofail University, Av. de L'Université, Kenitra, Morocco
Laboratory of Organic Synthesis and Extraction Processes, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, Ibn Tofail University, Av. de L'Université, Kenitra, Morocco
Autor do korespondencji
Hassane El Hadiri
Laboratory of Organic Synthesis and Extraction Processes, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, Ibn Tofail University, Av. de L'Université, Kenitra, Morocco
J. Ecol. Eng. 2022; 23(8):241-248
The physico-chemical characterization of the leachate from the Technical Landfill Center (TLC) of Moulay Abdallah (MA) which is intended for the treatment of Household Waste (HW) and Waste Assimilated to Household Waste (HWA) and the exploitation of the results of the study that was carried out on the leachate from the Oum Azza (OA) Technical Landfill (TLC) allowed to compare the leachate from two TLCs located in two different regions and exploited in two different ways. The parameters studied are Organic Matter (OM), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD5), Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) concentration, NH4+ ion concentration, conductivity, Suspended Solids (SS), Total Phosphorus (TP) and pH. The choice of these parameters comes down to their usefulness for the sizing of the leachate purification processes (PP) of leachates of Moroccan typology whose producer would be the population of a coastal city.
The results of the analyses show that the leachates from the two TLCs have almost the same physico-chemical characteristics. It is the evolution over time of these characteristics that differs from one TLC to the other depending on the method of management of the leachate (storage or direct discharge to the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP)) and all of the main leachate parameters from the TLC MA have all tended to increase over the time of operation. In contrast to the leachate parameters from the OA TLC, which all tended to decrease.