Air Pollution Reduction and Environment Protection Using Methane Fuel for Turbocharged CI Engines
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Applied Science Private University
Publication date: 2018-09-01
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Osama Hasib Ghazal
Applied Science Private University, Al-Arab street, Shafa Badran, 11931 Amman, Jordan
J. Ecol. Eng. 2018; 19(5):52-58
The internal combustion engine is considered as one of the main sources for air pollution due to hydrocarbon fuel combustion. The increased of the land transport usage require improvement the engine efficiency and combustion process technology to reduce engine emissions. A turbocharged engine and the gaseous fuel replacement are a green tools proposed by researchers to enhance fuel saving and emissions reduction. In this paper both methods have been investigated. The methane fuel is a preferred gaseous fuel due to it is lower carbon to hydrogen ratio resulting in less HC and CO emissions. In this paper a turbocharged compression ignition engine with methane/diesel dual fuel is simulated using professional GT-power code to investigate the effect of methane percentage in mixture on the engine performance and emissions. A turbocharged 6 cylinders compression ignition engine has been built and investigated. During the simulation the methane/diesel ratios were varied from pure diesel with zero percent methane to 90% methane concentration by mass with 10% increment every run. The results show that the engine brake power and specific fuel consumption increased while thermal efficiency decreased for lower CH4 concentration. For higher CH4 percentage the brake power and thermal efficiency increased while specific fuel consumption decreased. Moreover, NO emission has 35% reduction compared to neat diesel fuel when 50% of methane added to the mixture. Conversely, the CO and HC concentration increased when the methane ratio is less than 50% compared to neat diesel combustion. In general, the engine efficiency improved when methane added to diesel fuel in CI engine with turbocharger boost resulting in less emissions and cleaner environment.