Assessing the Presence of Heavy Metals in the Area of Glloogoc (Kosovo) by Using Mosses as a Bioindicator for Heavy Metals
Faculty of Agroecology and Agroenvironment, University of Peja ‘’Haxhi Zeka’’St. UÇK 30000, Pejë, Kosovo
University of Pristina “Hasan Pristina”, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Department of Chemistry, str. “Nëna Tereze” nr. 5, 10000, Pristina, Kosovo
Data publikacji: 01-06-2019
Autor do korespondencji
Skender Demaku   

University of Pristina “Hasan Pristina”, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Department of Chemistry, str. “Nëna Tereze” nr. 5, 10000, Pristina, Kosovo
J. Ecol. Eng. 2019; 20(6):135-140
This study aims to determine the level of pollution from heavy metals in the area of Gllogoc that are deposited from air. The main goal is to identify the emission sources of pollution by using mosses as bio indicators. In this study area, the mining of Fe-Ni (Industrial Ferronickel Complex) is believed to strongly influence the level of heavy metals. The mining and production activity of Fe-Ni affects the soil, water and air. As the air pollution (from liberated aerosols of Industrial Ferronickel Complex) and the deposition products of this pollution are harmful not only locally but also can pollute the environmental at extended distances, the use of mosses allows analyzing the content and origin of the pollution from heavy metals. ICP is used for the determination of heavy metals in moss samples. The use of Principal Component Analysis (PCA), dendograms and other statistical procedures, permitted to understand the source of the air pollution from heavy metals
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