Assessment and Analysis of the Soot Load Emitted from Hard Coal Combustion in the Area of a Selected Settlement Unit
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Department of Technology in Environmental Engineering, Białystok University of Technology, ul. Wiejska 45A, 15-351 Białystok, Poland
Department of Agri-Food Engineering and Environmental Management, Białystok University of Technology, ul. Wiejska 45A, 15-351 Białystok, Poland
Corresponding author
Ewa Szatyłowicz
Department of Technology in Environmental Engineering, Białystok University of Technology, ul. Wiejska 45A, 15-351 Białystok, Poland
J. Ecol. Eng. 2022; 23(9):187-192
Currently, the soot load from solid fuel combustion is not measured or counted. Soot is included as part of particulate matter emitted from combustion sources. However, recent reports indicate that after carbon dioxide, soot is the most important contributor to current climate change. Therefore, an attempt was made to assess the soot load that is emitted during the winter season from individual heat sources where hard coal was burned or co-fired. Soot emission analysis and assessment were carried out in the selected settlement unit. Soot was collected monthly throughout the heating period at the chimney flue outlet, and analyzed for PAH content. From these results and the information obtained from the users of individual heat sources, the soot load emitted from the installation in question during the entire heating period and the load of the sum of 16 PAHs and benzo(a)pyrene also during the entire heating period were calculated. It was found that the PAH content in soot largely depends on the type of boiler, the form of hard coal and wood addition burned, and the age of the boiler. The soot load, on the other hand, depends on the amount of hard coal burned, the type of boiler, how the combustion process is carried out, etc.