Influence of Chemical Amelioration of Solonetzic Soils on the Presence of Heavy Metals and Radionuclides in Soil Profile
Tyumen Industrial University, Lunacharskogo 2, Tyumen, 625001, Russia
Data publikacji: 01-05-2019
J. Ecol. Eng. 2019; 20(5):179-183
The article considers results of influence of solonetzic soils chemical amelioration on the presence and redistribution of heavy metals and radionuclides in meter profile of soils. Meliorative procedures were carried out 45 years ago.
Phosphogypsum has been used as chemical ameliorant up to 90-s on the solonetzic soils of Tyumen region. It is by-product of phosphates production. The objective appeared to reveal possible negative consequences of introduction of associated chemical elements with phosphogypsum.
The studies have shown that phosphogypsum introduction contributes to some increase of content of heavy metals active forms (zinc ZN, copper Cu, cadmium Cd and lead Pb) in soil. However, critical values are achieved only by active lead Pb.
Evaluation of radioactive state of meadow crusted solonetzic soils after carrying out of meliorative procedures (for the same period) on the content of isotopes of thorium-232 (Th-232), calium-40 (K-40), radium-226 (Ra-226), caesium-137 (Cs-137) and strontium-90 (Sr-90) has shown that redistribution of radionuclides after chemical melioration doesn't cause negative change of radiation background. Vibrations in the soil profile are connected with various initial concentration in rock formations or weathering detritus. Specific effective activity (Аeff ≤ 370 Bq/kg) testifies to the soils being studied and absence of their additional introduction with introduced doses of phosphogypsum.