Integration Remote Sensing and Meteorological Data to Monitoring Plant Phenology and Estimation Crop Coefficient and Evapotranspiration
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College of Engineering, Al-Qasim Green University, 8, Al Qasim, Iraq
College of Agriculture, Al-Qasim Green University, 8, Al Qasim, Iraq
National Council for Scientific Research, Beirut, Lebanon
Publication date: 2022-04-03
Corresponding author
Diaa Fliah Hassan   

Al-Qasim Green University
J. Ecol. Eng. 2022; 23(4):325-335
The water requirements of the wheat crop are represented by the actual evapotranspiration, which depends on the meteorological data of the study area and the amount of water consumed during the season. Estimation of crop coefficients (KC) and evapotranspiration (ETc) using remote sensing data is essential for decision-making regarding water management in irrigated areas in arid and semi-arid large-scale areas. This research aims to estimate the crop coefficient calculated from remote sensing data and the actual evapotranspiration values (ETc) for the crop. The FAO Penman-Monteith equation has been used to estimate the reference evapotranspiration (ETo) from meteorological data. Linear regression analysis was applied by developing prediction equations for the crop coefficient (KC) for different growth stages of comparing with the vegetation cover index (NDVI). The results showed that (R^2=0.98 ) between field crop coefficient and crop coefficient predicted from (Kc=2.0114 NDVI-0.147) in addition to (RMSE = 0.92 and (d= 0.97).
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