LandGEM Biogas Estimation, Energy Potential and Carbon Footprint Assessments of a Controlled Landfill Site. Case of the Controlled Landfill of Mohammedia-Benslimane, Morocco
Faculty of Science and Technology, Laboratory of Radiations Materials and Instrumentations, Hassan First University of Settat, Road to Casablanca Km 3.5, 26000, Settat, Morocco
Faculty of Science and Technology, Laboratory of Applied Chemistry and Environment, Hassan First University of Settat, Road to Casablanca Km 3.5, 26000, Settat, Morocco
Data publikacji: 01-03-2022
Autor do korespondencji
Ahlam Idrissi Oukili
Faculty of Science and Technology, Laboratory of Radiations Materials and Instrumentations, Hassan First University of Settat, Road to Casablanca Km 3.5, 26000, Settat, Morocco
J. Ecol. Eng. 2022; 23(3):116-129
Landfills throughout the world are contributing to the global warming problem. This is due to the existence of the most important greenhouse gases in landfill gas; namely, methane and carbon dioxide. Methane has a high potential for energy production and by utilizing the proper technology, large amounts of energy can be extracted from it. This paper deals with the estimation of methane emissions from the controlled municipal solid waste landfill of MB in Morocco. Methane emissions were calculated using the LandGEM method. In this research, the following parameters were evaluated: the amount of landfilled waste, the characteristics of the landfill and the composition of the landfilled waste, as well as the climatic conditions prevailing in the region. According to the LandGEM model, the total amount of methane generated from approximately 3.663 E+06 kg of municipal solid waste that will be buried of in the MB controlled landfill over 20 years ,2012 to 2032, is 1.76 E+08 m3. For the year 2020, the estimated electrical energy production in the landfill is 1.78 E+07 kWh. Regarding the carbon footprint for this landfill, the landfilling of household solid waste at the MB landfill has resulted in a production of about 499,238,000 kg CO2e in 2020 since its opening in 2012, according to the LandGEM model. These huge amounts of greenhouse gas are related to the fact that the waste buried at this landfill is highly organic. By installing an efficient system to capture and flare the biogas generated in this landfill, the management of this landfill is actively contributing to the protection of the environment by mitigating greenhouse gas emissions, particularly methane.