Methane Production from Food Garbage Under the Batch and Semi-Continuous Anaerobic Digestion
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College of Environment and Natural Resources, Can Tho University
School of Political Science and Economics, Meiji University, Tokyo 101-8301, Japan
College of Environment and Natural Resources, Can Tho City 900000, Vietnam
Corresponding author
Ngan Nguyen Vo Chau   

College of Environment and Natural Resources, Can Tho City 900000, Vietnam
J. Ecol. Eng. 2023; 24(4):264-278
In line with modern era, it is a high demand of renewable energies due to fossil fuels crisis. This study applies food garbage to produce biogas - an alternative renewable energy source - under lab-scale batch and semi-continuous reactors. Designing with four loading total solid rates of 1.0%, 1.5%, 2.0%, and 2.5%, the batch and the semi-continuous testing set up in 1.5 L and 21 L plastic reactors, respectively. Both testing was run in 60 days, produced biogas volume and compositions were recorded daily in semi-continuous reactors, and every ten days in the batch reactors. The results show that in batch testing, the biogas yields of treatments 1.0%TS, 1.5%TS, and 2.0%TS were better than those for treatment of 2.5%TS; however, %CH4 concentrations were better for treatments 2.0%TS and 2.5%TS. For the semi-continuous testing, the loading rate of 2.5% total solid food garbage produced the highest biogas yield which could meet the household demand of daily gas. Up to the day of 60, the %CH4 concentration was nearly 45% which proof the biogas can be used for cooking. H2S concentration in biogas was high which must be reduced to use produced biogas for cooking purpose. Further study needs to avoid accumulation of soluble organic acids, leading the low pH and inhibits methane-producing microorganisms in food garbage anaerobic reactor.
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