Occurrence and Spread after 18 Years of Invasion by Fallopia × bohemica (Slovakia)
Slovak University of Agriculture, Mariánska 10, 949 76 Nitra, Slovak Republic
Data publikacji: 01-03-2019
Autor do korespondencji
Žaneta Pauková
Slovak University of Agriculture, Mariánska 10, 949 76 Nitra, Slovak Republic
J. Ecol. Eng. 2019; 20(3):85-90
At the global level, the invasion of alien organisms is considered the second largest threat to biodiversity. Hybrid Japanese Knotweed (Fallopia × bohemica) is an invasive alien species in Slovakia, which is indigenous to eastern Asia. Ragweed is a significant threat to agriculture in Central Europe. In this study, we compare the current occurrence and spread of invasive populations of hybrid Fallopia × bohemica (Polygonaceae) in Hlohovec town (SW Slovakia) in intensively farmed agricultural landscape after eighteen years. In 2001, it had colonized the area of 1 520 m2 on 54 localities and in 2011 it increased by 120% (3 338 m2, 63 localities); however, in 2018 it decreased by 9% (3 051 m2, 43 localities). Surprisingly, the research results in the period 2011-2018 showed that the further spread of hybrid in Hlohovec was not confirmed; even the total colonized area had decreased. The main reason for the reduction of surface area occupied by F. x bohemica is the management measures carried out on habitats railway communications, roads and extensively cultivated fields (home gardens). The size of the areas in 2018 was significantly dependent on the size of the areas in 2001 (r = 0.682) and in 2011 (r = 0.907).