Peat Swamp Forest; Management and Development of Indigenous Species to Support Economic Local People at Periphery Forest (Case Study in Central Borneo, Indonesia)
University of Palangka Raya, Yos sudarso AI/5, 73112, Palangka Raya, Indonesia
Data publikacji: 01-04-2019
Autor do korespondencji
Lies Indrayanti
University of Palangka Raya, Yos sudarso AI/5, 73112, Palangka Raya, Indonesia
J. Ecol. Eng. 2019; 20(4):76-83
Jelutong Kapur and Sanaman are indigenous species at peat swamp forest. These plants have a great economic value. Besides the benefits from wood and sap, leaves can be used for medicinal purposes. The study aimed at obtaining the information related to the potential, distribution and increment diameter. This information was expected to be taken into consideration in the management and development of Jelutong. The study was conducted for 12 months in 12 observation plots, each plot measuring 100x100 m. The data were analyzed descriptively, while the growth patterns were shown graphically. The results showed that there were 100 Jelutong Kapur trees with a range 0-17 trees/plot, an average 8 trees/hectare. It was higher than Jelutong Sanaman, where there were 65 trees with a range of 0-13 trees/plot, an average 5 trees/hectare. However, jelutong Kapur had a diameter range 10.58-35.08 cm, the average increment diameter is 0.69 cm/year, the highest in the diameter class 10-15.9 cm and 22-26.9 cm which is 0.68 cm/year. It is lower than Jelutong Sanaman the diameter of which ranges within 12.61-37.13 cm, the average increment diameter is 0.77 cm/year, the highest increment in the class diameter of 10-15.9 cm is 0.85 cm/year. The highest and lowest number of trees is the same both in the diameter class 16-21.9 cm and 10-15.9 cm. The base area of Jelutong Kapur was 0.41789 m2/hectare, while in the case of Jelutong Sanaman it was 0.30422 m2/hectare. In both of them the 16-21.9 cm diameter class, is dominant, i.e. constitutes 40%. Both species may potentially support the economy for the local people, especially at forest periphery.Key words: jelutong, indigenous species, increament, basal area, support economic