Physicochemical Analysis of the Water Wells in the Area of Kosovo Energetic Corporation (Obiliq, Kosovo)
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University of Pristine “Hasan Pristina”, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Department of Chemistry, str. “Nëna Tereze” nr. 5, 10000, Pristina - Kosovo.
Faculty of Agroecology and Agroenvironment, University of Peja ‘’Haxhi Zeka’’St. UÇK 30000, Pejë, Kosovo.
Publication date: 2019-07-01
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Naser Bajraktari
Faculty of Agroecology and Agroenvironment, University of Peja ‘’Haxhi Zeka’’St. UÇK 30000, Pejë, Kosovo.
J. Ecol. Eng. 2019; 20(7):155-160
We analyzed (physic-chemical parameters and heavy metals) the wells at three different sites (nearby villages) in the area of KEC (Kosovo Energetic Corporation). KEC is the only power plants in Kosovo that uses fossil-fueled energy (lignite) for the production of the electricity. In this process it may pollute the environmental through the release of airborne aerosols (contaminated with metals), ash (a part of its content that leaches in the underground waters), etc. This pollutes air, surface water, groundwater and soil. In addition to this, the impact of the coal exploitation activity as raw material for power plants, from mining basins excavating, conveyor belt transport, separation before combustion and other process involving the formation of dust sources and coal particles in the air contributes also to the pollution. Thus it is of outmost importance to evaluate the water quality of the wells that are used as drinkable water sources by the people that live in this industrial area.