Process production sorbitol with photonanocatalysis manganese ferrite based
Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS), Department of Engineering Physics, Surabaya, Indonesia
Autor do korespondencji
Rina Krisnayana   

Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS), Department of Engineering Physics, Surabaya, Indonesia
J. Ecol. Eng. 2025; 26(3):63-76
The largest biomass in Indonesia is rice straw, where the largest content is cellulose. Cellulose can convert to sorbitol. This sorbitol useful for various industries, such as the industry chemical, textile, cleaning, control dust, packaging, agriculture and materials burnt. In this study, we produced sorbitol from rice straw by using multistage is hydrolysis NaOH continued photonanocatalyst Manganese Ferrite based (MnZnFe2O4,, MnCuFe2O4 and MnLaFeO3) . The aim is to obtain sorbitol from rice straw with novelty use photonanocatalyst Manganese Ferrite based (MnZnFe2O4,, MnCuFe2O4 and MnLaFeO3). This study provides results that photonanocatalyst of MnZnFe2O4, MnCuFe2O4 and MnLaFeO3 can used to convert cellulose into sorbitol. Based on the results of Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Thermo Gravimetric Analysis (TGA), it shows by using multistage is hydrolysis NaOH continued photonanocatalyst of MnZnFe2O4,, MnCuFe2O4 and MnLaFeO3, sorbitol successfully obtained from rice straw. Conversion cellulose and selectivity optimum on use MnLaFeO3 125 W with an exposure time of 60 minutes, where the results were influenced by the promoter metal, UV light power and exposure time. More UV light power and longer exposure time give higher conversion cellulose and selectivity sorbitol. Order reaction photonanocatalyst reaction conversion cellulose to sorbitol using nano catalyst MnLaFeO3 is 0.4, the value constant reaction photocatalysis (kr) is 1.3014 Lg-1.min-1 and the value Langmuir-Hinshelwood constant (K) is 0.0092 Lg-1. Characterization product sorbitol, the morphology of sorbitol through SEM scan shows that sorbitol is granular. FTIR shows that sorbitol has the following characteristics: group function alcohol (-OH) and alkyl (-CH). XRD reveals that the sorbitol produced is amorphous sorbitol. TGA shows that % heavy experience degradation along with the rise temperature, where sorbitol begins to undergo degradation at a temperature of 200 ⁰C and a maximum at a temperature of 357 ⁰C.
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