Removal of Cadmium (II) by Adsorption using Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) Dried Biomass
Student of Program Study of Environmental Management, Post Graduate Program, Pakuan University, Bogor, Indonesia
Biology Program Study, Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science, Pakuan University, Bogor, Indonesia
Research Centre for Limnology and Water Resources, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Indonesia
Autor do korespondencji
Evi Susanti
Research Centre for Limnology and Water Resources, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Indonesia
J. Ecol. Eng. 2023; 24(3):246-253
Using water hyacinth as a phytoremediation agent produces abundant biomass due to periodic harvesting in the system. One of the alternative uses of water hyacinth biomass can be a bio-sorbent to absorb metal contamination in the waters. This study aims to determine the quality of activated water hyacinth bio-sorbent, potentially reducing metal cadmium (Cd). The research was conducted from January to April 2022. The results showed that the parameters of water content, iodine absorption, and methylene blue in water hyacinth bio-sorbent had met the quality standard of activated carbon based on SNI No. 06-3730-1995. In contrast, the ash content still did not. In water, hyacinth stem bio-sorbents (stems + ZnCl2 and stems 300oC + ZnCl2) obtained higher ash content (25.87 and 73.30%) than the ash content of water hyacinth root and leaf bio-sorbent with the same activation treatment. The optimum adsorption capacity (Qe) for the roots + ZnCl2 occurred at a contact time of 45 minutes which was 8.13 mg/g with an absorption efficiency (Ef) of 34.20%. For the root 300oC + ZnCl2, the optimum adsorption capacity and absorption efficiency occurred at a contact time of 8 hours, namely 9.08 mg/g and 38.66%, respectively. The optimum adsorption capacity and absorption efficiency of the leaves + ZnCl2 occurred at a contact time of 4 hours, namely 7.63 mg/g and 32.12%, respectively. Meanwhile, at the leaves 300oC + ZnCl2, the optimum adsorption capacity and absorption efficiency occurred at a contact time of 8 hours with a value of Qe = 11.84 mg/g and Ef = 49.35%.